Star Wars Galaxies 3.0

Free In Star Wars Galaxies you can fight alongside Han Solo and Chewbacca
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Sony Online Entertainment
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4
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Star Wars Galaxies is the answer to the prayers of many fans of Star Wars movies seeking a quality MMORPG set in this fantastic universe. In the hands of Sony Online Entertainment and Lucas Arts Entertainment this title was launched reaping a quick success. Since Ultima Online there has not been launched a single MMORPG that offers that much potential and social freedom. Players can create their own cities, run their own homes and shops and decorate them as they want; and the progression of the characters is based on skills rather than levels. The players are brought into the time between the events of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. They can choose from about 36 different professions, both as a fighter and social Crafting - combining them as they want. It is possible to choose between fighting for the Empire, for the Rebels, or remain neutral in this conflict facing directly the players themselves.

The game's interface is pretty well done and is quite easy, taking into account the amount of things we can do and we have on the screen. The game at the beginning makes you feel slightly overwhelmed, but little by little, the interface will help to make things a little easier.

Fights are a little tough at first, but once you get used to things they get even better. However, the control system is quite really heavy, and can sometimes get you up to despair.

Galaxies may have not improved the game genre a lot, but this game certainly provides another twist to MMORPGs combined with the already sucessfull Star Wars Universe.

OU Senior editor
Oscar Upegui
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Review summary


  • Oustanding character editor
  • Excellent music and ambientation


  • Monthly subscription service
  • Repetitive combats


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